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207 Realty Partners Presents: 

Wills & Pilsners

Estate Planning for Families with Children 

Childcare, Food, & Drink will be Provided

February 8th, 2025

3pm - 5pm

This event is FREE! Spots are limited. 

Join us for a beer, snacks and some future planning at Sacred Profane in Biddeford. Attorney Elizabeth LaPierre, of Powers, LaPierre, Lizotte Townsend, will be leading us through the basic information you need to know before putting together your will. You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions in a large or small group setting and set up a private appointment with Liz to officially start the paperwork at a later date if you’d like to!

The event space will be divided up so that kids will be able to participate in activities led by childcare specialists on one side of the room, while the adults learn and socialize on the other side. When you register, please let us know if your child will be joining us and their age, so we can hire the appropriate amount of help!

We'll be covering the following topics:

  • What happens to assets when a person dies and the distinctions between jointly owned property v. individually owned property and "probate assets" v. payable on death assets.
  • Importance of having life insurance.
  • Importance of having a Durable Financial Power of Attorney.
  • Planning for guardians of minors.
  • How to transfer assets to minors.
  • Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn in a fun and relaxed setting.

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The Corey Scott Team - Harbor One Mortgage

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